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Update 21st January 2025


2 Casting machines are in the process of being made.



Please be assured we are busy making some more to go on the site as time permits.




We have implemented a notify when available button on out of stock items.


Just press the button and you will be notified by email when that item comes into stock.


This will save you having to manually waste time checking stock.



Again thank you for your patience.


Please note we do not take pre-orders but only sell from stock in hand.



We are now shipping to Europe


Please note this includes most of our products but not the casting machine which is a UK

only product at the moment.
































AK Interactive
Albion Alloys
vallejo Paints
Made in Britain
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What is Centrifugal Rubber Mould Casting
Centrifugal rubber mould casting or spincasting, is a method of utilizing centrifugal force to produce castings from a rubber mould. Typically, a disc-shaped mould is spun along its central axis at a set speed. The casting material, usually molten metal or liquid thermoset plastic, is then poured in through an opening at the top-center of the mould. The filled mould then continues to spin as the metal solidifies or the thermoset plastic sets.

The spin casting process typically uses vulcanized silicone or organic rubber as the mould-making substrate. Vulcanisation is an integral step that occurs halfway through the mould-making process. Prior to vulcanisation, the mould rubber is a soft and malleable solid-like fluid, in many ways very similar to Silly Putty. Because of the clay-like nature at this stage, the mould is easily cut or shaped to accommodate irregular models. Vulcanization serves two purposes: establishing the negative space inside the mould as well as hardening the rubber so it will remain strong and rigid during casting.

After vulcanization, before it is usable, the mould must undergo gating and venting. This involves carving channels to ensure proper air and material flow during the casting process. Gating and venting is typically done by hand using a sharp knife or scalpel and varies in time depending upon the complexity of the mould. The final product is a cured rubber mould which can withstand anywhere from hundreds to over a thousand casting cycles before it needs replacement.


Spin casting is very commonly used for the manufacture of the following types of items:


  • Gaming miniatures and figurines – in both metal and plastics.

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  • Fishing lures and fishing tackle components including jig heads and lead weights.

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  • Decorative and novelty type items – belt buckles, pins, emblems, medallions, trophies, assorted souvenirs etc.

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  • Industrial manufacturing and replacement part production.

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  • Rapid prototyping & rapid manufacturing – spin casting is an excellent adjunct process as it allows the quick and efficient production of fully functional copies from fragile rapid prototype models.



SpinBox Centrifugal Rubber Mould Casting  Machine.
The SB-CCM90 SpinBox Centrifugal Casting Machine is a complete low-cost system for casting white metal & pewter in organic & silicone rubber moulds.
It is used for casting military figurines and accessories, vehicle kits, model railway parts, jewellery, badges, jewellery components and dolls house accessories. The advantage over hand casting is that castings are produced much more quickly and in quantity, detail and finish are improved, and by harnessing centrifugal force, difficult parts such as rifles or fine filigree parts will cast more easily.
We also manufacture & supply the  SB-VC90 Vulcanising Mould Can for producing your own organic or silicone rubber moulds up to 9 inch in diameter
Heat and pressure is required to make moulds; consequently, masters can be made from any reasonably hard material, such as plastic, Milliput, white metal, Plastikard or Super Sculpey. The machine is of a compact and robust design, and is ideal for Educational, home or workshop use, working off normal domestic supply. Normal voltage is AC 240 Volts. A fully illustrated Manual with hints and tips on mould making and casting comes with each machine.
We are not a large manufacturer and all our SpinBox Machines and Vulcanisers are hand made and assembled by us from our workshop in Yorkshire. We also hold spares and guarantee our 2 main products in proper use for twelve months.
Please note all stock levels on this website are live.
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