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An economical beginners casting furnace with more than 10 lb or 4.5kg capacity.

Lyman’s Big Dipper casting furnace features fast heat-up time with heat control to +/- 10 degrees. Easy "on-off" temperature dial. Compact size with wide mouth for easy ladling. Heavy duty aluminum construction with stable non-tip design.


Please note we advise a minimum of 5kg of metal to run in this furnace.


"BIG DIPPER" Electric Casting Furnace

  • Capacity: 10 lb 4.5kg
    Voltage: 230 Volt 
    Material: Aluminium
    Features: Thermostat control to +/- 10 degrees
    Function: Designed for melting and blending lead alloys 
    Notes: Wide mouth for easy ladling, non-tip design, complete without country specific plug

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